Monthly Archives: May 2009

My 5-Year Plan…Not.

“For many of us, trusting Jesus for one’s salvation is the easy part. Trusting Jesus to lead you into what God has for you in the future is often more difficult than it appears.”

Why can’t God just tell me what I am going to do with my life? Why can’t I just trust that it’ll be His best for me, even if I don’t have it all figured out or understood now?

Why is it that it is harder to trust Jesus in the practical life issues than it is to trust Him for our most important need?

(Props to Laura for sending me this article.)


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Music Monday: Neko Case

Shearwater and Neko Case @ Stubbs 3/31/09

My brother took me to see one of our favorite musicians, Neko Case, for my birthday a few weeks ago. It was a great show.

Case’s album artwork and videos feature illustration from brother/sister artists Julie and Paul Morstad…Kinda unique! Their animations were projected onto the big screen during the show.

Here’s the video to her latest single, “People Got a Lotta Nerve.”

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Whoooops! Blogging?

So I left the “blogosphere” for a couple weeks again….Sorry I’m an inconsistent blogger. I either go big or go home, it seems.

Just thought I’d share that I fell while running up some stairs today!

Outside, right by the fountain on my way to the library…
Just laid out on my stomach in shame.
Worst part was that I was running to catch the shuttle bus…
My left ankle still hurts.


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